This establishment was opened in 2008 by Noriko Sunaga, whose story could easily fill an entire book. She developed a love for coffee in Australia, where she also met her future husband. The café's name points to the place of their first meeting—a beach in the Sydney suburb of Manly.

Her journey to opening her own café was long and challenging: it all began with a job at the first Starbucks in Fukuoka, followed by an internship in Seattle, participation in various coffee competitions, and experiments with roasting coffee on a small roaster in her own apartment. After opening MANLY, she visited almost all the coffee 'meccas' of Europe and the US, as well as many producers in the 'coffee belt' of the Earth.

Sunaga-san was at the forefront of popularising the AeroPress in Japan. She is now promoting milk brew, using the best milk from the neighbouring Saga Prefecture, and continues to roast coffee—now on a powerful 15 kg Roaring machine. As she continues to refine her craft, she sets the most ambitious goals, aiming to captivate the coffee world with the 'wow effect' that true specialty coffee can deliver. This pursuit of perfection is evident in every cup of her coffee, which is rightfully considered the best in Fukuoka.

The café is hidden away from prying eyes in the village of Hirao—a historic suburb of Fukuoka where young entrepreneurs are now actively taking over the narrow pedestrian streets lined with old single-story houses.