Introducing the best “Specialty” places in Japan

 Introducing the best “Specialty” places in Japan

Third wave coffee shops and other specialty coffee places

 Third wave coffee shops and other specialty coffee places

Natural wine bars

Бары с натуральным вином

“Specialty” gastro-pubs

 “Specialty” gastro-pubs

Restaurants with star chefs

 Restaurants with star chefs


The Japanese maxim 一期一会 (ichigo ichie), which serves as the motto for all tea ceremonies, can be roughly translated into English as 'Every encounter happens only once.' Even if one uses the same tea for brewing, each time the drink will have a slightly different taste, making each tea session a unique experience. Moreover, just one cup of delicious tea can bring incomparable peace and tranquillity, or, conversely, evoke delight and surprise.

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Let’s try to apply the concept of 'specialty' to wine. Just like with coffee, such a 'certification' should include two components: the production technology and the connoisseur's evaluation.

Strictly speaking, the technology of wine production encompasses the entire journey 'from sapling to glass.' The first stage is the birth of 'specialty grapes,' which must be grown using organic or biodynamic methods considering the entire ecosystem surrounding the plant. The role of grapes in wine production is immense: one can make good or bad wines from good grapes, but one can't make good wine from bad grapes.

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For a variety of reasons, the 20th century became the era of mass control through influence on consciousness, and this, of course, goes beyond the role of propaganda in politics. It was in the 20th century that marketing evolved from an art to an almost exact science, and large corporations gained access to a full arsenal of marketing tools that allow them to make almost any product desirable to consumers.

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Despite the existence of several large national specialty coffee associations around the world, and even a recently established global one, universal global standards in this area are still lacking. The consensus is that specialty coffee is 'simply' perfect coffee; beyond that definition, however, a plethora of interpretations still exists.

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